Favorite Poems and Poets
Read about poets from around the world with an A-to-Z listings, profiles, biographies, and more. Also find summaries and analysis of famous poems.
Biography of Gabriela Mistral, Chilean Poet and Nobel Prize Winner
Biography of Dorothy Parker, American Poet and Humorist
Biography of Rainer Maria Rilke, Austrian Poet
Biography of Emily Dickinson, American Poet
Octavio Paz, Mexican Poet, Writer, and Nobel Prize Winner
Biography of Gwendolyn Brooks, the People’s Poet
Biography of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Poet and Activist
Biography of Alexander Pope, England's Most Quoted Poet
Gary Snyder, American Poet
Carl Sandburg, Poet and Lincoln Biographer
Biography of Lord Byron, English Poet and Aristocrat
15 Classic Poems for the New Year
10 Classic Poems for Halloween
A Collection of Classic Love Poetry for Your Sweetheart
A Guide to Wordsworth's Themes of Memory and Nature in 'Tintern Abbey'
A Poetic Take on Baseball
10 Classic Poems on Gardens and Gardening
7 Classic Poems for Fathers
14 Classic Poems Everyone Should Know
How Did These Classic Nursery Rhymes and Lullabies Originate?
Poems of Protest and Revolution
Metaphysical Poetry and Poets
Understanding 'The Pasture' by Robert Frost
Poems of War and Remembrance
Poems to Read on Thanksgiving Day
41 Classic and New Poems to Keep You Warm in Winter
Classic Poems Set to Music
Patriotic Poems for Independence Day
A Guide to Yeats' 'The Second Coming'
Reading Notes on Robert Frost’s Poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay”
Li Po: One of China's Most Renowned Poets
A Classic Collection of Bird Poems
Biography of Robert Frost
A Guide to Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken"
Profile of William Butler Yeats
Biography of William Blake, English Poet and Artist
Presidential Inauguration Poems
William Wordsworth
Heather Ale by Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert Frost's 'Acquainted With the Night'
Poets Laureate of the U.S.A.
Poets Respond to the 9/11 Attacks
A Guide to William Blake's 'The Tyger'
18 Classic Poems of the Christmas Season
Dreaming of Xanadu: A Guide to Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poem “Kubla Khan”